8th grade: Week 1

Welcome to week one of computer science for semester 2. Much of this class will be the same as you have seen in previous years. Check here each week to see what your requirements are. Don’t forget that you will be cataloging your progress in this class in your learning log (spiral notebook). This counts for 50% of your grade in this class and is designed so that I can see proof of what you have been doing each day in terms of progress and strategy.

Be sure to sign up for the Google A Day classroom to access challenges using Classroom code:  vx3x8mq

For the week beginning January 25th, 2016; Week 1:

  • Google A Day Challenge #1-History: be sure to record the process for solving this problem. There is a sample learning log entry for today (1/25) on the whiteboard in class.
  • Coding Challenges: You will sign up for codecademy.com using this link. Use the google button to sign in/up for an account. You will record your starting level (or % finished) at the beginning and ending of each class period that you code. If you choose to code at home be sure to also record the date, time, and progress made. You will be working to finish the HTML/CSS course by the end of the quarter.
  • Blogging: You will have a blog post each week. I am working to get the blog of 2020 up and running. Be sure to check back here for requirements on your first post.
  • Project: We will start our first project next week.