8th grade: Week 5

For the week beginning February 22nd, 2016

Week 4

  • Google A Day Challenge: GAD: #6-Culture. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and be thorough in your answers. These are considered mini research projects and will improve your ability to do internet research and your search skills. Review the rubric before submitting your work. This will help you self assess whether or not you are truly done.
    • Be looking for grades on your other GAD challenges and make corrections when needed! These are works in progress and will be considered incomplete if you do not make changes to an incomplete challenge. You must make revisions and then print (with rubric), put your name on top and hand in to me (or this week, to my sub who will place them in the blue “NEEDS GRADING” folder next to my microwave).
  • Blogging: Last week you completed a blog post that was making an artifact from literature real. This week I want you to take time to review those artifacts. We will compile a list of this years top ten artifacts from literature that we wish were real. You can comment on the artifacts that you would like to see. The easiest way to find just the blog posts that are about the artifacts is to click on the category “Challenge Post #3” In the comments section you must explain why you wish this artifact were real. You must comment on at least 2 artifacts but no more than 5. This comment challenge is your blogging grade this week.
  • Project: Finish the website for Mr. Warren’s Social Studies Class Monday (February 22nd). You will be graded in his class on your content and in my class for your ability to make a pleasing website. Don’t forget the website coolors.co to help you with your color selections. If you were absent be sure to get this completed as soon as possible,
  • Coding Challenges: Remember to use the google button to sign in to your account. You will record your starting level (or % finished) at the beginning and ending of each class period that you code. If you choose to code at home be sure to also record the date, time, and progress made. You will be working to finish the HTML/CSS course by the end of the quarter.